Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TeMan SeJatI

Gambar di atas menerangkan tentang pelbagai aspek. Antaranya adalah dalam dunia ini tiada suatu benda hidup pun yang hidup secara bersendirian. Masing-masing memerlukan teman hidup untuk melengkapkan kehidupan mereka. Hidup bersendirian di dunia ini adalah sesuatu yang tercabar. Seseorang itu perlu berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran dan tekanan. Teman hidup adalah sangat penting untuk berkongsi hidup kita dengan mereka. Teman hidup dapat memberi tunjuk ajar dalam hidup, berkongsi perasaaan serta berkongsi dalam suka dan duka kita.
Seterusnya ia juga menerangkan tentang pentingnya kerjasama. Dalam membuat sesuatu kerja jika hanya seorang sahaja yang membuat kerja maka akan mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk menyiapkan kerja tersebut. Jika kerja tersebut dibuat oleh lebih daripada seorang maka cepatlah kerja tersebut dapat dibereskan.
Jika hanya menggunakan sebelah tangan sahaja tidak dapat menghasilkan bunyi. Apabila kedua-dua belah tangan digunakan maka dapatlah kita menghasilkan bunyi. Begitulah konsep yang ingin saya kemukakan melalui gambar di atas. Kenyataan ini amat tepat dengan peribahasa yang berbunyi ‘ringan sama dijinjing, berat sama dipikul’.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hi!! after long time without a scrap of pieces about us.. we want to continue our blogging again with some works from us...

Before we start to show our works, we all want to say...

Chinese New Year Glitter Graphics from

Ok, now our first member want to show her editing works...

about it:
well, firstly i was so blank to draw something from my own imagination.. i'm not so creative in drawing something so i got confused when lecture ordered me to draw my name in a BIG drawing block! fiUuh.. but fiNally after some finishing touch i get it so UNBELIEVABLE..
Actually, i finished to draw it on 10 february, so i thought i didn't have enough time to make it so nice..but you can see it with your own eyes.. how's my draw??
I think it's not really bad, right?? hhehehe.. ^__^

About the design, i want it so colorful so i use some bright colours and at first i make a scetch with pencils then i bold the lines with colour pencils.. So, when it was taken to computer, the lines will show up.. and after i got a shot this picture, i edited it with Adobe Photoshop CS 2. with some adjustment and some filters i got it so CUTE! hehehe.. well, not bad, don't you??


about it:
frankly, i haven't had an idea to make this picture before. Just want to have fun!
I really don't know why i don't have any inspirations to product some art works. *halah*
well, you can see.. there's so many sharp lines in my picture. It was inspired from my lifes' experiences that i had.. no lines...hahahaha ;)
even looks unclear, i can give some orange and yellow colours that able makes me feel so excited! :D
look at down left side, there's some pictures of me. It was because i do really like to take a photos and show it everytime, everywhere.
and why do i tput snow in that? cause of my heart always covered with a snow.. :D


about it: hmm,, i make it so simple, i just added some texture with my Photoshop xD
actually, before i edit it with Photoshop, there is no background in drawing block. Just white... But look at now!! :))

about it: my name is Kaithri.. and why do i edit my picture like that? it was because i really want make it simply but still look cute enough.. with PINK touches everywhere... ^__^

ItS My NamE..

Hie.. WeLl ItS mY NamE.. At FirSt iTs Like a WeIrd n afTer Edit.. WoW.. its Look VerY nIce.. WelL.. hope U al enjoY OuR BloG.. cReatEd bY sUmaThY.. afTeR i WritE My namE I enD uP with write My namE In TamIl at ThE cEnTre Of evEry AlphabEt..

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Introduction

These are our members :

Bagus Ahimsa Harun (115360)

-the only man in entourage-
He is simply known as Cokii
He was born in Jakarta, Indonesia November 16, 1987
His hobby is all about music
His idol is Cove Reber “Saosin”
He stays at University Inn Apartment (UUM Campus)
Now he’s already in 2nd semester taking Bachelor of Communication
Northern University of Malaysia
One words about him:

you can contact him at

Anjani Puteri Melati (115330)

.can call her with her full name Anjani or in short forms Anja
but her chums use to call her with anzaa or just Zaa.
she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia May 16, 1989
she likes to sing, read a fiction and browsing the internet
.her idol is her mom.
.actually, she takes her family as her idols.
now she stays at Kolej Bukit Kachi 2 Blok B316
she's taking Bachelor of Communication in UUM
'cause she wants to get a job in Media or Broadcasting field.
hope it will comes true ^^
you can contact her at

Siti Lady Havivi (115339)
she was born in Palembang, Indonesia April 28, 1990
her friends and her chums use to call her as Vifi
she's a shopaholic 'cause she can spend all day long with shopping around the plaza
she likes to collecting an unique items but
she love to collect unique shoes, bag and accessories around the world
she's taking Bachelor of Media Technology,
and wishes that someday she could go to Japan as a Media crew
so, enjoy to have a chat with her !^^
you can contact her at

Sumathy a/p Nabaratnam (105327)

she use to be called Sumathy
her b'day in March 3, 1986
she stays at Kolej Tradewinds
she chooses her parents as her idol
in her sparetime, she likes to listening music and surfing the net
now she's already in 4th semester taking Bachelor of Communication
in Northern University of Malaysia
you can contact her at

Kaithri a/p Tanabalan (106655)

she prefer to be called as Gayu
she was born in March 7, 1986
even she's a girl, she likes to playing footbal
watching TV and listen to the music
her idol is David Beckham
now she's already in 4th semester, taking BAchelor of Communication
in Northern University of Malaysia
you can contact her in